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21 days of prayer

21 Days.jpg


Monday, January 13th
Today, as you pray, ask God to allow the Gospel message to reach out into all the nations. Additionally, as you pray, consider what role God would have you play in praying for, giving to, or going out into the nations. 

Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:19–20


Tuesday, January 14th
Today, as you pray, ask God to reveal to you any grievous ways in your life. Additionally, as you pray, ask God to reveal to you anyone you might have acted out against, and seek God’s guidance in how you can work towards reconciliation in that relationship. 

Scripture Reading: Psalm 139:23–24 


Wednesday, January 15th

Today, as you pray, sit quietly before God and enjoy God’s presence. As you pray, ask God for His Word to dwell richly in your heart, so that it might daily remind you of the faithful love of Jesus and the fulness of joy found in relationship with Christ. 

Scripture Reading: Psalm 16:11


Thursday, January 16th
Today, as you pray, ask God to bless the Children and Students of our Church, for they are the Next Generation Disciples. Pray that God would continue to allow our church to build relationships with the local area schools, so that we might play a role in helping to shape the lives of our Children and Students, for generations to come.  

Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 2:1—2 


Friday, January 17th
Today, as you pray, ask God for a renewed commitment to your Church Community. Ask the Holy Spirit to grow your love and compassion for the Local Church and for the members of our Local Church, so that we might go and grow through life with one another.  

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:1—6 


Saturday, January 18th
Today, as you pray, ask God to transform you into a more Bible Honoring Person. Ask God to help you reflect on how you can treasure God’s Word, and how you can be more intentionally reading, studying, and loving God’s Word.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 4:4 


Sunday, January 19th
Today, as you pray, ask God to open a door for you to share the gospel with a stranger. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you toward the person, whose heart is being prepared by God, to hear a word of grace and encouragement from you, as you share about the love of Jesus Christ. 

Scripture Reading: Colossians 4:3 

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